Track by Track:
Beige Banquet – Beta

Last month, Melbourne post-punk alumni Tom Brierley revealed his debut solo album Beta under the pseudonym Beige Banquet, a vehicle to toy with his unique brand of awkward and angular weirdo-punk. We had Tom talk us through the bizarre chaos captured across the album’s 12 tracks.

Track by Track:
The Fillmores – Moonsurfing EP

Haphazard and unrestrained in its experimentation, Apollo Bay via Melbourne sextet The Fillmores returned earlier this month with Moonsurfing – a collection of eccentric jangle pop that comes lined with silky hooks and an endearing demo quality, the EP compiles quirky bedroom recordings through the band’s intuitive approach to online collaboration.

Introducing Cook Up

Introducing Cook Up, our brand new live sessions platform developed alongside the masterminds at baked, and created to pull back the curtain on the incredible artists and distinct spaces that make Melbourne’s eclectic music community exactly what is is.